JUMP TOMozaic.io API DocumentationAccountDisables a user's account by marking it as blocked in Auth0. The user ID is extracted from the JWT token provided in the Authorization header.deleteGenerate Auth OTPpostGenerate Authorized LinkpostVerify Auth OTPpostRefresh Auth Access TokenpostActivityRetrieves the Activity with the specified key and activity typegetCreate or update an ActivityputRetrieves the Task Activity with the specified key and activity typegetupdate activity task statusputAnalyticsRetrieve a list of Payments summed by dategetApiKeyRetrieves the user's current API Keys if they already exist, otherwise a new ClientID and ClientSecret will be generated for the user's account.getDeletes the current API key for the current user.deleteAppsRetrieve the info for applications you've createdgetCreate an application that can call the Mozaic API.postDelete an applicationdeleteCreate an application that can call the Mozaic API.putAvatarsRetrieve a avatar by id and avatartypegetUpload avatar profile image via fileputConnectorsRetrieve a List all connectors.getCreate a connectorpostConnector auth url for authentication.getAuthentication with connector and store access info.getCheck if already authenticated for connectorgetRevoke accessdeleteSmart auth callback to store token.getRetreive portfolio items.getContactsUpload avatar image via fileputRetrieve an avatar by idgetReset avatar to the defaultdeleteUpload avatar via JSON bodyputGenerate a new avatar image via AI prompt.putGet a single contactgetList contactsgetCreate a contact recordpostDelete an contactdeleteAccept the contact invitationpostReject the contact invitationpostList of invited contactsgetList requestsgetSearch contactsgetCreate a contact record - contact invite.postUpdate a contact record - contact invite.putBulk add contactspostRetrieve the payment acceptance status for an accountgetContractsList all contractsgetCreate a contractpostUpdate a contractputDelete a contractdeleteRetrieve a contractgetRetrieve a list of all related paymentsgetRetrieve the total payments associated with a contractgetDeadLetterQueuePurges messages older than the specified number of days from the dead-letter queue.postReplays messages from the dead-letter queue based on the specified message IDs or a time range.postDiagnosticsSimple ping test callget/api/diagnostics/signal-r-example-1get/api/diagnostics/signal-r-example-2getEnd UsersCreate an end user for a tenantpost/api/end-users/invitepost/api/end-users/bulk/filepostFilesUpload a file for validationa and store in blob for payoutspostIncomesCreate a contractpostCreate a contractgetInvite TokensDecrypt an invite token and return information for displaygetSend an invite tokenpostInvoicesRetrieve a list of InvoicesgetCreate a InvoicepostFind a Invoice by IDgetFinalize draft invoivepostPay finalized invoicepostDownload invoice pdfpost/api/invoices/{id}/payment-detailsgetNotifications/api/notifications/notification/negotiatepostRetrieve a list of NotificationsgetRetrieve notifications countsgetUpdate a Notification (mark as read)putDeletes a NotificationdeleteUpdate one or many Notifications (mark as read)putOrchestrationsCreate an `Orchestration`postRetrieve a list of `Orchestrations`getRetrieve an `Orchestration` by IDgetAttaches a payment push to an `Orchestration` in a pending state.putAttach a funding source to an `Orchestration`. This defines funding origin.putRuns the funding phase for an `Orchestration`postRuns the payments phase for the specified `Orchestration`postOtpSends a one-time passcode (OTP) to the provided email address.postPayer InvitesRetrieve a list of sent payer invitesgetSend payer invite request.postGet payer invite details by idgetAccept payer invitepostGet the current user payer profilegetPayment CyclesRetrieve a list of payments cyclesgetCreate payment cycle detailspostRetrieve payment cycle details by idgetUpdate payment cycle detailsputDelete a payment cycle and all associated payment cycle entries.deleteRetrieve a list of payment entries for a cyclesgetCreate a payment entry for a payment cyclepostBulk Create a payment entries for a payment cyclepostGet payment entry by idgetUpdate a payment entry for a payment cycleputDelete a payment entry for a payment cycledeleteDelete a payment entry for a payment cyclegetFinalize to generate and pay invoicepostRetrieve a list of all related paymentsgetPayment PushesPayment object/api/payment-pushes/feespostCalculate fee estimates for individual transactions within a bulk payment.postFind a PaymentPushCreate by IDgetUpdate push payment recordputCreate a PaymentPushpostCreate payment pushes in bulkpostPayment TransferRetrieve a list of payment transfersgetInitiate balance withdrawalpostRetrieve a payment transfer by IDgetCancel pending transferputPaymentsRetrieve a list of paymentsgetSearch payments (e.g. between dates, amounts, etc.)getRetrieve a payment by IDgetCancel a paymentputUpdate a Payment DetailsputList aggregated Pending or Suspended paymentsgetAccept or Suspend payments from an account.postTest method for invoice payment intent generationpostRetrieve Customer Virtual Receiving AccountgetList Transaction StatusesgetRetrieve if has any payment or contactgetPermissionsList all permissions for the current usergetPersonalAccessTokenRetrieves the user's current personal access tokens.getEnables a User to create a personal access token.postEnables a User to delete a personal access token.deletePortfolioRetrieve a list of PortfolioItemsgetCreate a PortfolioItempostCreate or update an PortfolioItemputRetrieve a list of PortfolioCatalogsgetCreate a PortfolioCatalogpostCreate or update an PortfolioCatalogputPushNotificationsThis creates or updates a registration (with provided channelURI) at the specified idputdelete device registrationdelete/api/push-notifications/username/{userName}deletePush notification to devicepostSimpleContractsUpload avatar image via fileputRetrieve an avatar by idgetReset avatar to the defaultdeleteUpload avatar via JSON bodyputGenerate a new avatar image via AI prompt.putList all SimpleContractsgetCreate a SimpleContractpostDelete a SimpleContractdeleteRetrieve a SimpleContractgetRetrieve a SimpleContract by accountID and contract IDgetAccept the specified SimpleContractpostDecline the specified SimpleContractpostArchive the specified SimpleContractpostUpdate a SimpleContractputRetrieve a list of all related paymentsgetSystemEventsSends a verification code notification with an email input.postSends a payment success notification with hardcoded values.postSends a payment failure notification with hardcoded values.postSends a payment received notification for a recipient without an account with hardcoded values.postSends a payment received notification for a recipient with an account with hardcoded values.postSends a payout transfer initiated notification with data from the request body.postTenantsRetrieve information about the current user/tenantgetCreate and on-board a tenant accountpostThis is a special use case for onboarding a tenant where the external wallets already exist. Calling this will pull data instead of creating new external accounts where possible.put/api/tenants/verificationputIt uses to update documents needed for stripe, Proof of concept.putIt uses to remove details from stripedeleteRetrieve information about the onbaording tasksgetRetrieve information about the onbaording taskgetIt will update the task statusputReturns a list of securable resourcesgetGets an onboarding session key from stripegetReturns permission details such as CanCreate, CanView, etc for the specified resource to assist the UI. For a list of resources available on this account call GetListResourcesgetReturns the list of all access rules for the current user on the current accountgetTip LinksGet data for a single Tip Link by idgetMake changes to an existing Tip LinkputSearch tip linksgetGet data for all Tip LinksgetCreate a new Tip LinkpostUpload imagepostTransactionsRetrieve a list of recent transactionsgetUser StatusesGets the UserStatus objectgetUserPreferences/api/user-preferencesget/api/user-preferencesputVersion/api/versiongetWaitlistGets the contact record of the current user if it exists. Can be used to check if a user is on a waitlist at application login. It cannot return which waitlist the user is currently on.getAdd a contact to a waitlist.postDeletes the current user from the hubspot waitlist.deleteWalletsGet all walletsgetGet a single walletgetEnable a walletpostAdd a payout method to a walletpostAdd a payment method to a walletpostUpdate a card or bank payment method.putAdd a payment/payout both method to a walletpostGet the balance for all walletsgetSet Wallet Default Payout MethodpostWebhookPortalGets the user's webhook console portal link. You can use this link to configure your webhooks, view logs and monitor activity.getCreate or update an Activityput https://api.sandbox.mozaic.io/api/activity